Part 1 of 3
As I was teaching the Shamanic Connections class this past summer - I realize that many people aren't entirely sure what a spiritual class can be all about... or how to find the right apprenticeship...
This post, the first of a mini series, is understanding a bit as to WHY you have a calling to the path...
There are super dramatic "calls to spirit"like getting mega sick, struck by lightening, near death
experiences... but there are also those that are a bit more quiet - like a quiver in your heart when you feel an animal look into your soul, or a profound familiarity when you walk in the woods or on the beach. Of course, the quieter calls are usually ignored until we get smacked upside the head by our spirit helpers (cause we are so busy doubting the signs and our own intuition, hah).
Most people and websites talk about knowing when you have had a call to spiritual work, how they went on
the journey, suggested tools or avenues, etc.
But I think a more important question is: Why the call?
On one level, yes, we need more light workers as this world is shifting into its new era and mother earth has
grown tired of the old timeline... yadda yadda..
But that doesn't answer so much on a soul level why YOU as a specific person might be called to spirit. That answer lies in your personal soul records. Nonetheless, I will offer a general approach to the topic and
see where it gets us. Before we incarnate in this life, we get to choose a certain amount of things that will affect our experience on earth... we set up potential avenues to fulfill our main purpose (professionally, socially, etc), how we wish to engage with the human experience (partners, children, etc), and the more significant lessons ("I want to know strength and perseverance through hardships", or, "I want to know true happiness.")
That being said, we tend to - on a soul level - have a main driver for our multiple (if not limitless) incarnations -- we are typically from one of four major camps that make up multi-universal energy: Destruction, Creation, Preservation, (R)Evolution. So your incarnation choices (and purpose) will likely have something to do with that soul-truth you originate from. Shamans, shamanic practitioners, light workers, wicca/witches, those who work with spirit... we come from all four, really. Not all destroyers are evil - just like how not all creators are pulling from love.
So - why the call - well, quite plainly because working with spirit will either fulfill your purpose, or will help
you on the path to fulfilling your purpose. But for those who do receive the call to go deeper... living in a way where we are connected to spirit allows us to hear the messages woven between words and veils of "reality" so we can learn the lessons, heal/release the blocks in our way, stand in our truest power and act in right-relationship with the energies around us -- aka it helps us navigate this world and our experience in this world quite a bit more smoothly, wisely and confidently.
And if you do not have a calling? That doesn't mean you are broken or mis-led... it just means that its not a
part of fulfilling your purpose in this life. Not all callings lead to someone becoming a practitioner... some callings are to live shamanically, or live with a relationship with spirit. Examples: you might learn enough about plant spirits to support your hobby garden... or to open your perspective to the world so you live with a sense of peace. Or perhaps if your purpose is to help others succeed in their own work, and you are a graphic designer by trade, perhaps you receive design ideas in journey space from their highest self which brings your client inspiration and confidence.
But if you are called to working with spirit (perhaps as a healer, a medicine person, a teacher, or doing work
on the land, etc....) then you would be OF service - offering your energy, time, etc) - to the world... but IN service of the divine. Don't think that is for you? We come in all varieties these days... look at me! Suburban mom, dreaming of a mini-van, and makes corndogs more often than I would like to admit. I have a full time job (that isn't shamanism) and I do my shamanic work in service of Earth Mother on the side. I am still a shaman, I am still learning and growing, but I am of service to people and in service of the divine.
So lets say you hear the call... you just know something is there that you haven't been able to put your finger on... you are craving connection... what now?
Well now, you find a teacher. That is the next post... stay tuned :)