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    There is a calling that comes to all women... A pull from the seat of one’s feminine power – the sacral chakra, the moon within... It is time to shed... it
    is time to heal. It is time to honor the wild feminine within.
    Your inner wisdom is ready to be retrieved but is buried under old identities, outgrown stories, and outdated dreams. To liberate her, you embrace that
    endings are inevitable, and with them, mourning is necessary. This release creates space to awaken the enlightened divine self (your wise and wild woman) and bring her to the forefront.

    The Beansidhe (Banshee) calls you forth to move through this blessed threshold of death and rebirth... let the sacred keen evoke your innate power, and to release what needs to die and surrender your doubts and fears to the goddess energy within you. Let your inner wise and wild woman shed light on who you are meant to be and what is calling to be birthed. This is a rite of passage – and you are ready.

    Let us hold you sister as you step deeper and deeper into the liminal spaces within your body and memories. Let us witness you, woman – ravaged, wild and raw. Let us love you in this divine freedom. Step into your inner cave and birthing your light.

    By engaging in the sacred keen with your sisters of spirit, you can celebrate this natural process of being safe while vulnerable, seen while shedding, loved while rebirthing, and held while discovering the magic within.

    The gateway is here.
    The Banshee awaits.
    It is time for your sacred keen.


    The banshee is a frequency - and energy as old as life. Her songs are heard on the winds the blow across the lands and seas. Often maligned by cultural memory, she is the omen that death is coming. But for us, she is the energy of transformation. The banshee is wise, she is primal,

    and she is ready to support you in our surrender. The banshee will guide our inner death - and show us the path to our regeneration.

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    Keening, or mourning/crying, has been suppressed for generations. This
    has caused us to disembody, taught us to distrust our emotions and
    disconnect from our instinctual nature. The keen lives inside all of us and
    needs to be heard. The keen is your cry - your unfiltered sound - it could be
    tears, silent screams, laughter, moaning, shouts or whispers... no matter
    how it "looks", it is YOURS, it is BEAUTIFUL and it is SACRED.



    Women are built for hardship - and recently we have been conditioned to abandon one another. Not anymore. The time has come for us to gather around one another and be wild, feral, and raw.

    The soulful sisterhood is a gathering of 12 women participants who see one another for the light inside of our bodies - for our divine nature - not for our
    title, status, or success. Be with your soul sisters. Be held by them, and remember the power of touch as you keen together.

    Sisterhood is sacred.
    Sisterhood is natural.
    Sisterhood is a birthright.


    This is the day we open our sacred sisterhood, and understand our collective energy as well as your personal intention.


    Badb (pron. Bive) Keening Goddess will come through with wisdom about ego death and honoring vulnerability, surrendering to the power within each of us. You will be presented the the sacred symbol of the Veil and walk as "wise women in remembering"into the keening circle.


    We gather as women who are remembering - rewriting your story. Martha illuminates the divine truths within mythologies and archetypal lessons that guide you in expanding into your sacred joy, awareness, and worth.

    You spend the latter half of the day receiving - with sound bath and energy healing, and a closing fire ceremony to celebrate the sacred sisterhood and your divine wild self, returned home.


    This day you remember your connection with the great earth mother - with her cycles and rhythms and the elements.

    You will be guided in a shamanic journey to your ancestors to heal what has been held within our bones, making space to activate your innate strength and truth.

    Closing the day, we will have a rebirthing ceremony with Sheela Na Gig, reclaiming your oneness with the divine within.



    1- What fears/doubts are coming up - they are all valid and deserve to be heard. Remind yourself: "I do not have to address these fears right now - only witness them."


    2- What within me is excited about this trip?


    3- Who might I call on, Ancestor/Angel/Divine, to help me feel courage andsupport?



    Martha will follow up with everyone with a group email of after care suggestions a couple ofdays later.



    One month after our sacred circle, Martha will offer to schedule a follow up chat to ensure you are integrating as best as possible.


    Time spent together is important, as it is when we celebrate each other and ourselves. You are welcome to gather in small groups, a full crowd or take alone time on the land, or nearby mountain vistas.


    There will be break time the wisdom shares, guided journeys, and ceremonies, to allow time for reflection and integration.


    Breakfast: tea, coffee, fruit and granola


    Lunch: Grain salads, wraps, and chips with dips.


    Dinner: Fare of noodle/pasta dishes, vegetables and stews can be expected. Foods will be made to support dairy and gluten/wheat intolerances, and do our best to provide vegetarian options. Though we will do our best to support all diets, we cannot guarantee a celiac friendly, or dairy free, kitchen in this resort space.

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    Martha is a clear powerful vessel for the Goddess Mothers, ethical and integral, respectful of boundaries, and here to help guide you through an evolution of your spirit. Martha has multiple lifetimes guiding her work with Spirit, and been in service to the community as healer for over a decade. With a deep reverence for, and soulful connection with, the Banshee, Martha is prepared to guide you through a life-altering experience.



    Kristina is a clear channel for Jesus and a wise woman who integrates body work with sacred energy healing. Her herbalist training reinforces her holistic approact to wellness in the body. Kristina will help hold the container of the weekend, provide nourishing dinners, and supplement your growth with intuitive healing infused drinks.


    Next Retreat will be at the end of January in 2026 next to the sea on the eastern shore - possible Maryland/Virginia area. More information will be provided as it is sorted on my end. Thank you for your patience in the meantime. If you are wanting to be the first to know, please sign up for the waiting list through this link


    This house is set up to give you all options which can support your intention - whether you wish for solitude in between group time, or sisterhood throughout your stay. We will stay in the same house, but there is plenty of space and trails nearby to have private integration time and space



    The swanky nature of this location is intentional so you can feel seen in your fabulousness, beauty, power and strength. Let this retreat be the beginning of the new way you love and honor yourself.


    Each retreat typically has the option of a King private or shared bedroom, Queen private or shared bedroom, and a group shared room with bunk beds.


    Fee includes lodging, food, and take home supplemental materials.


    Contact Martha with any questions or concerns about funding or payment plans

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